CIC is a Certified Infinite Campus Channel Partner, responsible for sales, implementation services, and technical support for K-12 districts, charter schools, and private schools in Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Wyoming.  We service and support 420+ organizations (2 million+ students) with Infinite Campus, both in our 7 primary states and in 12 other states with related CIC add-on products.

Infinite Campus provides more core student information system (SIS) functionality than anyone else in K-12 education.  Our unique architecture provides 100% web-based applications, using a responsive design user interface for desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.  A single, fully integrated MS SQL Server database under the covers provides our Only Handle Information Once (OHIO) concept for single entry of data, with real-time updates and access to data throughout the system for parents and students, teachers, staff and administrators, all at a reasonable annual price.

100% integrated Premium Product modules may be added for customers who want them, such as Online Registration, Learning Management, Food Service Point of Sale, Voice and Text Messaging, Analytics using Machine Learning, and more!

Click here for more information on the Campus SIS.  

In a hurry?  Click to view a 12 minute sneak peek of the Infinite Campus SIS.

Want to attend a 1 hour live demo?  Click here or on the “REQUEST A DEMO” button in the upper right corner of Campus’ website  to register and attend a 1 hour no charge demonstration of the SIS and / or premium products of interest.

Contact your CIC Account Manager or CIC Sales Representative today!